O = compulsary, C= in choice , F= optional
Semestre 1 - Parcours AHN 1/3
- HUMF1- AP - ARTS PLASTIQUES (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF1-LUM - Light engineering for theatre with studies (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF1-MUS - Music Studies (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF1-THEA - Study & Theater (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF1-ES - High-level sport with studies (F - 1.00 ects)
Semestre 1 - Parcours ENSAB 1
Semestre 1 - Parcours Formation Initiale STPI
STP01-TCS-1 - Fundamental Science MODULE ( 10.00 ects)
- STP01-ALG - Algebra 1 (C - 4.00 ects)
- STP01-MECA - Mechanics 1 (C - 2.00 ects)
- STP01-ANAL - Analysis 1 (C - 4.00 ects)
- STP01-OMSP - Outils Maths pour les Sciences Physiques 1 (C - 0.00 ects)
- STP01-OMSP_FIRE - Outils Maths pour les Sciences Physiques 1 FIRE (C - 0.00 ects)
STP01-TCS-2 - Experimental Science MODULE ( 14.00 ects)
- STP01-ELEC - Electrokinetics 1 (C - 3.50 ects)
- STP01-CHIM - Chemistry 1 (C - 4.00 ects)
- STP01-IMAG - Optics (C - 2.00 ects)
- STP01-PHYS - Physic S1 (Laboratory work) (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-PHYS_FIRE - Physic S1 FIRE (Laboratory work) (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-SIND - Industrial Sciences 1 (C - 3.00 ects)
STP01-ENS - Humanities MODULE ( 6.00 ects)
- STP01-ANGL - English 1 (C - 2.00 ects)
- STP01-ANGL_FIRE - English 1 FIRE (C - 2.00 ects)
- STP01-COMM - Culture et communication 1 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-COMM_FIRE - Culture et communication 1 FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-EPS - Sport and physical Education 1 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP01-EPS_FIRE - Sport and physical Education 1 FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP01-ALL - German 1 ( second language) (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-ALL_FIRE - German 1 FIRE ( second language) (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-ESP - Spanish 1 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-ESP_FIRE - Spanish 1 FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-ARA - Arabic 1 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-ARA_FIRE - Arabic 1 FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-CHI - Chinese 1 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-CHI_FIRE - Chinese 1 FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-ITA - Italian 1 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-ITA_FIRE - Italian 1 FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-JAP - Japanese 1 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-JAP_FIRE - Japanese 1 FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-POR - Portuguese 1 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-POR_FIRE - Portuguese 1 FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-RUS - Russian 1 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-RUS_FIRE - Russian 1 FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-OI - Cross cultural opening (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP01-PPI - Professional Project 1 (C - 0.00 ects)
- STP01-PPI_FIRE - Professional Project 1 FIRE (C - 0.00 ects)
- STP01-TSE - TSE 1 (Socio-ecological transition) (C - 2.00 ects)
- STP01-TSE_FIRE - TSE 1 FIRE (Socio-ecological transition) (C - 2.00 ects)
- STP01-RIE - Parcours RIE 1 (C - 0.00 ects)
- STP01-RIE_FIRE - Parcours RIE FIRE 1 (C - 0.00 ects)
- STP01-PIX - PIX (C - 0.00 ects)
- STP01-PIX_FIRE - PIX FIRE (C - 0.00 ects)
- STP01-PPI - Professional Project 1 (C - 0.00 ects)
- STP01-PPI_FIRE - Professional Project 1 FIRE (C - 0.00 ects)
HUMF1-LANG3STP1 - LANGUES VIV.3 STPI / sem.1 ( 1.00 ects)
- STP01-ALL_LV3 - German 1 LV3 ( second language) (F - 1.00 ects)
- STP01-ARA_LV3 - Arabic 1 LV3 (F - 1.00 ects)
- STP01-CHI_LV3 - Chinese 1 LV3 (F - 1.00 ects)
- STP01-ESP_LV3 - Spanish 1 LV3 (F - 1.00 ects)
- STP01-ITA_LV3 - Italian 1 LV3 (F - 1.00 ects)
- STP01-JAP_LV3 - Japanese 1 LV3 (F - 1.00 ects)
- STP01-POR_LV3 - Portuguese 1 LV3 (F - 1.00 ects)
- STP01-RUS_LV3 - Russian 1 LV3 (F - 1.00 ects)
- STP01-SA_LV3 - Soutien Anglais 1 - LV3 (F - 1.00 ects)
- STP01-OI_LV3 - Cross cultural opening LV3 (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF1- AP - ARTS PLASTIQUES (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF1-LUM - Light engineering for theatre with studies (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF1-MUS - Music Studies (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF1-THEA - Study & Theater (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF1-ES - High-level sport with studies (F - 1.00 ects)
Semestre 2 - Parcours AHN 1/3
- HUMF2-AP - Arts plastiques (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF2-LUM - Study & Light (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF2-MUS - Music Studies (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF2-THEA - Study & Theater (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF2-ES - High-Level sport with studies (F - 1.00 ects)
Semestre 2 - Parcours ENSAB 1
Semestre 2 - Parcours Formation Initiale STPI
STP02-TCS-1 - Fundamental Science MODULE ( 15.00 ects)
- STP02-ALG - Algebra 2 - Linear Algebra (C - 4.50 ects)
- STP02-INFO - Computer science 2 (C - 4.00 ects)
- STP02-INFO_FIRE - Computer science 2 FIRE (C - 4.00 ects)
- STP02-ANAL - Analysis 2 (C - 4.50 ects)
- STP02-OMSP - Outils Maths pour les Sciences Physiques 2 (C - 0.00 ects)
- STP02-OMSP_FIRE - Outils Maths pour les Sciences Physiques 2 FIRE (C - 0.00 ects)
- STP02-MECA - Mechanics 2 (C - 2.00 ects)
- STP02-MECA_FIRE - Mechanics 2 FIRE (C - 2.00 ects)
STP02-TCS-2 - Experimental Science MODULE ( 9.00 ects)
- STP02-ELEC - Electrokinetics 2 (C - 3.00 ects)
- STP02-PHYS - Physic S2 (Laboratory work) (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP02-PHYS_FIRE - Physic S2 FIRE (Laboratory work) (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP02-CHIM - Chemistry 2 (C - 3.50 ects)
- STP02-THERM - Thermophysics (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-THERM_FIRE - Thermophysics FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
STP02-ENS - Humanities MODULE ( 6.00 ects)
- STP02-ANGL - English 2 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP02-ANGL_FIRE - English 2 FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP02-COMM - Culture and communication 2 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP02-COMM_FIRE - Culture and communication 2 FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP02-EPS - Sport and physical Education 2 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-EPS_FIRE - Sport and physical Education 2 FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-ALL - German 2 ( second language) (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-ALL_FIRE - German 2 FIRE ( second language) (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-ESP_FIRE - Spanish 2 FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-ARA - Arabic (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-ARA_FIRE - Arabe 2 FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-CHI - Chinese 2 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-CHI_FIRE - Chinese 2 FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-ITA - Italian 2 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-ITA_FIRE - Italian 2 FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-JAP - Japanese 2 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-JAP_FIRE - Japanese 2 FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-POR - Portuguese 2 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-POR_FIRE - Portuguese 2 FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-RUS - Russian 2 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-RUS_FIRE - Russian 2 FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-OI - Cross cutural opening (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-PPI - Professional Project 2 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-PPI_FIRE - Professional Project 2 FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-RIE - RIE (C - 0.00 ects)
- STP02-RIE_FIRE - RIE FIRE (C - 0.00 ects)
- STP02-TSE - TSE 2 (Socio-ecological transition) (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-TSE_FIRE - TSE 2 FIRE (Socio-ecological transition) (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-RIE - RIE (C - 0.00 ects)
- STP02-RIE_FIRE - RIE FIRE (C - 0.00 ects)
- STP02-PPI - Professional Project 2 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-PPI_FIRE - Professional Project 2 FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
HUMF2-LANG3STP2 - LANGUES VIV.3 STPI / sem.2 ( 1.00 ects)
- STP02-ALL_LV3 - German 2 LV3 ( second language) (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-ARA_LV3 - Arabe 2 - LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-CHI_LV3 - Chinese 2 LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-ESP_LV3 - Spanish 2 LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-ITA_LV3 - Italian 2 LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-JAP_LV3 - Japanese 2 LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-POR_LV3 - Portuguese 2 LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-RUS_LV3 - Russian 2 LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-SA_LV3 - Soutien Anglais 2 - LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP02-OI_LV3 - Cross cutural opening LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF2-AP - Arts plastiques (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF2-LUM - Study & Light (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF2-MUS - Music Studies (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF2-THEA - Study & Theater (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF2-ES - High-Level sport with studies (F - 1.00 ects)
Semestre 3 - Parcours Formation Initiale STPI
STP03-TCS-1 - Fundamental Science MODULE ( 9.00 ects)
- STP03-ALG3 - Algebra 3 (O - 2.00 ects)
- STP03-INFO - Computer Science 2 (Databases) (O - 2.00 ects)
- STP03-MECA - Mechanics 3 (C - 2.00 ects)
- STP03-MECA-FIRE - Mechanics 2 FIRE (C - 2.00 ects)
- STP03-ANAL3 - Analysis 4 (O - 3.00 ects)
STP03-TCS-2 - Experimental Science MODULE ( 11.00 ects)
- STP03-ACSA - Automated Systems (O - 3.00 ects)
- STP03-THEN - Thermoenergetics (C - 1.50 ects)
hand-out in English and course taught in English - STP03-THEN-FIRE - Thermoenergetics FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP03-CHIM - Chemistry 3 ( thermochemistry and electrochemistry ) (O - 3.50 ects)
- STP03-ELEC - Electronics 1 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP03-ELEC_FIRE - Electronics 1 FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP03-PHYS - Physics Practical Works S3 (O - 1.50 ects)
- STP03-TEDS - Transition Ecologique pour un Développement Soutenable 3 (O - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-PPI - Professional Project 3 (O - 0.00 ects)
- STP03-RIE - Parcours RIE (O - 0.00 ects)
- STP03-ADS - Action Découverte des spécialités (O - 0.00 ects)
- STP03-STAG - Internship (O - 4.00 ects)
STP03-ENS - Humanities MODULE ( 5.00 ects)
- STP03-ANGL - English 3 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP03-ANGL_FIRE - English 3 FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP03-COMM - Culture and communication 3 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP03-FLECO-FIRE - FLE - Culture et communication 3 - FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP03-EPS - Sport and physical Education (O - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-ALL - German (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-ALL_FIRE - German FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-ESP - Spanish 3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-ESP_FIRE - Spanish 3 FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-CHI - Chinese (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-ITA - Italian (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-JAP - Japanese (C - 1.00 ects)
HUMF3-LANG3STP3 - 3rd Foreign Language MODULE ( 1.00 ects)
- STP03-ALL-LV3 - German (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-ESP-LV3 - Spanish 3 LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-CHI-LV3 - Chinese LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-ITA-LV3 - Italian LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-JAP-LV3 - Japanese LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-RUS-LV3 - Russian LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-POR-LV3 - Portuguese (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP03-SA-LV3 - Remedial English (C - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF1- AP - ARTS PLASTIQUES (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF1-LUM - Light engineering for theatre with studies (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF1-MUS - Music Studies (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF1-THEA - Study & Theater (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF1-ES - High-level sport with studies (F - 1.00 ects)
Semestre 4 - Parcours Formation Initiale STPI
STP04-TCS-1 - Fundamental Science MODULE ( 10.00 ects)
- STP04-PROBA - Introduction to probability (O - 3.50 ects)
- STP04-GEOM - Geometry (O - 3.50 ects)
- STP04-INFO - Computer Science 3 (O - 3.00 ects)
STP04-TCS-2 - Experimental Science MODULE ( 12.00 ects)
- STP04-MECA - Mechanics (O - 2.00 ects)
- STP04-ELMG - Electromagnetism 2 (C - 2.00 ects)
- STP04-ELMG_FIRE - Electromagnetism 2 (C - 2.00 ects)
- STP04-CHIM - Chemistry 4 (O - 3.50 ects)
- STP04-SI - Industrial Science (O - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-ONDE - Waves and their propagation (C - 2.00 ects)
- STP04-ONDE_FIRE - Waves FIRE (C - 2.00 ects)
- STP04-PHYS - Physics Practical Works S4 (O - 1.50 ects)
- STP04-TEDS4 - Transition Ecologique pour un Développement Soutenable 4 (O - 2.00 ects)
- STP04-PPI - Professional Project 4 (O - 0.50 ects)
- STP04-RIE - Parcours RIE (O - 0.50 ects)
STP04-ENS - Humanities MODULE ( 5.00 ects)
- STP04-ANGL - English 4 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP04-ANGL_FIRE - English 4 FIRE (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP04-COMM - Culture and communication 4 (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP04-FLECO-FIRE - French as a foreign language (C - 1.50 ects)
- STP04-EPS - Sport and physical education (O - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-ALL - German (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-ALL_FIRE - German FIRE (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-ESP - Espagnol 4 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-ESP_FIRE - Espagnol 4 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-CHI - Chinese (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-ITA - Italian (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-JAP - Japanese (C - 1.00 ects)
HUMF4-LANG3STP4 - 3rd Foreign Language MODULE ( 1.00 ects)
- STP04-ALL-LV3 - German LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-ESP-LV3 - Espagnol 4 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-CHI-LV3 - Chinese LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-ITA-LV3 - Italian LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-JAP-LV3 - Japanese (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-POR-LV3 - Portuguese LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-RUS - Russian (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-SA-LV3 - Remedial english (C - 1.00 ects)
- STP04-RUS-LV3 - Russe 4 LV3 (C - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF2-AP - Arts plastiques (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF2-LUM - Study & Light (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF2-MUS - Music Studies (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF2-THEA - Study & Theater (F - 1.00 ects)
- HUMF2-ES - High-Level sport with studies (F - 1.00 ects)